
Friday, 21 June 2013

Made By Rae Itty bitty dress

It has been a long time since I last posted anything, due to so much work at school and plus we are moving house!  So our life is slowly being packed into brown boxes, ready to be moved but school if on the wind down, so I have been getting crafty again!  My sister bought me a 30cm remnant of fabric (amy butler I think) and I used a pattern I found from  Made By Rae, the site also has a tutorial that is beautifully photographed and super easy to follow. I also used my own homemade bias binding, using the printable bias binding maker from The Scientific Seamstress, (I know!! Amazing! it works like a dream!)  I think next time I will use the 1" binding one rather than the 0.5 as it was a bit small and made it quite bulky on the little dress.

I also learnt to Crochet! One of my ex GCSE students, popped back in on her exam leave to teach me the basics. I can knit quite well, but crochet just blew my mind with all the abbreviations etc. Anyway-the myth has been busted and with her guidance I have picked it up quite well. (Even if I do say so myself!) There are hundreds of tutorials on You-tube to show you any of the different stiches you need. It is so quick and fun once you get going, you can really see the thing you are making take shape. Icouldn't  help but make some matching shoes to go with the new dress I had made. I used a free pattern for mary Janes from Ravelry and I used a size 3.5mm crochet hook and Rowan hand knit cotton in cream, its very smooth, nit fluffy and doesn't stretch which helps! I only bought a 50g ball and I've made two pairs of shoes (more photos to come) and have enough for another pair too!