
Friday, 10 August 2012

Attempting stripes and re-upholstry!

We have just completed changing our front top room from a storage room into a bedroom for guests and a crafty room for me, 2 years since moving in! We had some wicker furniture my In laws had given us when we moved in and we wanted to re-upholster it to match the look of the new room (blue, white and wood) the furniture is in great nick, but the original fabric was out of date and made the room feel dark, so when we were in the lake district we came across this fabric shop called Textures in Keswick. they had some really nice blue and red ticking that we thought would go great in the new room. so when we got home, I drew around the old cushions and cut out some paper patterns, and made new covers. The bottom cushion was the hardest trying the get the band not to go squiffy round the cushion etc. I also had to make sure for the sake of my very symmetric loving husband that all the stripes lined up (nightmare!) BUT I managed it, so it looks great from the front...(and no I am not showing you the back!!! It's at the back for a reason!) Here are the before and after shots.

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