
Wednesday, 28 January 2015

Easy Baby Teether!

So just recently Annabelle has been a little on he grizzly side and since her friend Jospeh (who is only one month older) cut his first tooth around her age I was beginning to wonder if the dreaded toothy pegs would be cutting through! She seems to like sucking on my cardi and other fabric things so I wanted something that was fabric and hard so it would be good to teeth on and this is what I came up with. Hope you enjoy making it, it only took me about 20minutes.

For the photo tutorial click "read more"

You will need:
5 wooden beads (20mm)
A strip of fabric 75cm long and 8 cm wide
Matching thread

if you use bigger beads your fabric strip will need to be wider to accommodate the greater girth of the bead. this tutorial is for 20mm beads specifically.

First you will need to cut out your fabric. A strip that measures 8cm by 75cm. Also you will need the wooden beads, I chose to use un treated wooden beads made of beech and measure 20mm, but you could do them bigger. this size seems to fit well in Annabelles mouth at the moment. 

To make the tube that you will  put the beads into, you need to fold the fabric over longsides together, and sew the top shut, then sew all the way down the long side. Leave 1cm seam allowance from the edge of the fabric. 

This is how the end of the tube should be closed at one end only, and shows the seam allowance at the side.

Next to turn the tube of fabric inside out, I used a wooden spoon but you could use any long stick. Push the sewn end onto the wooden spoon and keep pushing the fabric onto the spoon.

The fabric will bunch up, but you should be able to see the tube turning the right way out.

Ease the fabric off the spoon until it is the right way out. Then sort out the end making sure to get the corners out nice and square.

Next you need to measure 10cm from the closed end of the tube, you will then insert the first bead so that the top of the bead sits 10cm away from the end.( roughly where my finger is)

Now you can tie your first knot, being careful not to change the position of the bead. Pull the fabric nice and tight so you get a dense knot.

Keep putting the beads into the tube and tying after each one as close to the bead as you can. Don't tie a knot after the last bead.

Now you can close up the other end of the tube by folding the fabric in on shelf back into the tube, then top stitch it shut.  
Finally do a tight double knot to finish the bracelet.

Here are the two I have made, you could knot before the first bead and after the last one if you wanted,  but I liked the consistency of knot bead knot bead etc.
Hope that makes sense, any questions, comments below. 

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Happy Making!


  1. They are brilliant and so pretty too! Thank you so much!😘

  2. What a great post! Did you treat the beads at all before you put them in? Also, did you prewash/ soak your fabric, or just went for it? Let me know!

  3. Hi! Thanks for commenting! I didn't wash the fabric or the beads before I started this. I just went for it! Once it had been chewed over and over I did put t in the washing machine and it didn't change anything. Happy making!

  4. Did you put them in the dryer or let it and dry after you machine washed it?

    1. To be honest I can't remember! But I don't think tumble drying would harm it. If you can dry it thoroughly and quickly naturally (or on a radiator) then do - but I think tumble drying would be the best bet. Let me know! How it goes! Jenny x
